Dr. Bart Green, DC, MSEd, PhD
NCMIC Insurance Co.
Dr. Green is a full-time chiropractor and epidemiologist practicing in an interdisciplinary corporate wellness center, which serves a large corporation in San Diego. He has proudly served as a contracted chiropractic physician at Naval Medical Center San Diego in spine, sports and combat casualty care clinics.
Every day, he has the opportunity to use his training as a sports chiropractor as part of a comprehensive healthcare team - including medical doctors, nurses, physical therapists and others - to work with and rehabilitate patients and return them to healthy lifestyles.
An advocate and teacher of the history of chiropractic for his entire career, he has served in multiple offices for the Association for the History of Chiropractic and taught chiropractic history at chiropractic institutions. Dr. Green has published widely in professional journals on clinical, public health, sports and history topics. Dr. Green is the editor-in-chief for the Journal of Chiropractic Education. He also is the associate editor for National University of Health Sciences’ three journals: the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, and the Journal of Chiropractic Humanities.