Exhibit Standards
To avoid any misunderstanding at the time of the 2020 ICS Conference, the following standards are established and must be considered when applying for virtual exhibit space.
- Exhibitors must submit a 320X175 logo for digital marketing and display.
- Exhibitors must submit landing page URL for main links and logo link.
- Optional: Exhibitors must supply zoom room, Microsoft Teams, or similar link for live exhibitor hours (i.e. virtual exhibitor experience).
- Exhibitors must supply pdf or YouTube video to be uploaded to virtual booth.
- Contracts will be accepted on a first come first paid basis.
- Exhibitors MAY provide 3 separate “calls to action,” and should supply language and URL for each
- All correspondence and completed applications should be directed dawn@ilchiro.org
- The ICS in no way endorses the superiority of products or services exhibited because the ICS has not conducted comparison tests of the products. The Society encourages chiropractic physicians to use the same discretion and judgment in product review under such endorsements as they otherwise would as a consumer. The ICS reserves the right to approve all exhibits.
- Due to the “Invitation Only” nature of these displays, no refunds will be given for cancellations.
- The collection and reporting of sales taxes to the Illinois Department of Revenue are not the responsibility of the ICS but are solely those of the vendor.
- Multi-Level Marketing companies will NOT be allowed to sign attendees up at the event. Products may be shown and sold.
- Due to the FDA guidance, the ICS is not accepting CBD vendors
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