
Robert M - Carmel, Indiana

"Dr Pearson’s information very helpful especially because of the practical examples used. "

Frank V

"great info"

Kristen H - Wheaton, Illinois

"Plenty of relatable examples. Great job tackling the topic! "

Coriann B - Evanston, Illinois


Curtis A - DeKalb, Illinois

"great job"

Gordon P - Kewanee, Illinois


Thomas S - Libertyville, Illinois

"Bias lecturer lecturing us about being bias. Sad commentary."

Clare O - Elgin, Illinois

"I did not see any handouts. I thought Dr. Pearson was an excellent presenter on this subject. We are doing a lot of DEI work at Community Colleges and so I have had several presentations on the subject so I have a good basis for comparison. Also, at the Community Colleges, to some extent it is preaching to the choir." At the ICS Cook County seminars, there are some who don't think it is needed or think they don't have any bias, and we all need to reflect to identify occasions of implicit bias."

Ira C - Niles, Illinois


Thomas K - Bourbonnais, Illinois
